Sunday, October 11, 2009

Holy cow.

Both my aides emailed me. They're both going to be gone tomorrow. I teach kids with severe disabilities. It's not as easy as just handing someone the activity and their group. It takes so much explanation. What the HELL are we going to do all day? I am not confident in this job enough to just take it in stride. This is new, and I'm a new teacher on top of it. And my kids are so different from one another that large group instruction is not always an option.

Commence freak-out.


Gina said...

Girl, if I lived closer to you I would totally call in tomorrow and come help you. I'll be thinking about you all day long....

vixen kitten said...

I'm adding my prayers and positive thoughts and energy to Gina's.

You can do it. I have complete faith in you.
